Anyone who has been lucky to go diving or snorkeling at Poindimié knows it very well: the Tibarama Islet is the most beautiful island in New Caledonia! In any case, it is the answer to the ritual question that thousands of visitors have heard all these years!

Since nearly 20 years, everybody that came to dive on one of the beautiful underwater spots in the region, and heading to Poindimié, would have been hearing this question while approaching Tibarama Islet: "Do you know the special feature of this island?”. And the captain of the boat will recall systematically that it is simply "the most beautiful island in New Caledonia".  If one willingly leaves the full responsibility for his comments to him, it must be admitted that the architecture of the islet is sublime, with its columnar pine trees wonderfully leaning and, dozens of plant species.

Dive in Tibarama Islet

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  • Tibarama Islet in Poindimié

    Marine environment

    The islet is also a great place to discover in PMT (flippers, mask, snorkel) the underwater marvels of the eastern coast. One can see the rare ribbon eels in open water and many beautifully preserved corals.

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